Friday, 18 February 2011

Where's My Invite?

Fat Friend:  So at the moment I'm stuck in the 'friend zone'.  The FRIEND zone.
Skinny Friend: Yeah.
Fat Friend:  But just wait til Toby's party..........then I won't be held responsible.
Fat Friend: I'm just saying.
Skinny Friend: Why wasn't I invited to Toby's party?
Fat Friend:  Dunno.
Skinny Friend: Everybody else is invited.
Fat Friend:  Luke's not.
Skinny Friend:  yeah....welll....
Fat Friend:  Luke tried to invite himself.........he was going......hey Toby....when's the party.
Skinny Friend: Luke's a knobhead.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

In Dreams

Friend: Why would you chose Cheryl COLE?
Dreamer: It was a DREAM.